Sancta Maria College is a voluntary secondary under the trusteeship of CEIST whose core values are inclusive of the Mercy philosophy of education.
We welcome, care for and support all within the school community through the promotion of
- Respect
- Being just and responsible
- Quality teaching and learning
- An inclusive community
- Long-life learning
Exposure to second-hand smoke/Environmental Tobacco Smoke/Vap’s
(ETS) also know as passive smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer and heart disease, in third parties. Neither the simple separation of smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace not the provision of ventilation can eliminate exposure to ETS and the consequent health effects of such exposure. This policy has been developed to protect all employees, service users, students and visitors from exposure to ETS, to ensure
Compliance with legal obligations and to ensure a safe working environment.
It is the policy of Sancta Maria College that all its workplaces are smoke-free and that all employees have a right to work in a smoke-free environment.
Smoking is prohibited within the entire school boundary with no exceptions. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, contractors and visitors. In the school context this also applies to students and parents.
Overall responsibility for policy implementation rests with the Board of Management. All staff have an obligation to adhere to, and facilitate the implementation of this policy. The person in charge (Principal) shall inform all existing employees, consultants and contractors of the policy and their role in the implementation and monitoring of the policy. All new and prospective employees, consultants and contractors shall be given a copy of the policy on recruitment/induction by the Principal. Students and parents will be informed of this policy.
Infringements by staff will be dealt with under local disciplinary procedures. Infringements by customers, clients etc., will be dealt with in accordance with the procedure set out below. Employees, consultants, contractors, customers and visitors who contravene legislation prohibiting smoking in the workplace are also liable to a criminal prosecution with an associated fine.
If a person smokes in contravention of Section 47 of the Public Health (Tobacco) Acts that prohibits smoking in the workplace
- Draw the person’s attention to the ‘No Smoking’ signs and advise that they are committing an offense by smoking on the premises.
- Advise the person that it is also an offense for the Board of Management to permit anyone to smoke in contravention of the law.
- Advise the person that the school has a smoke-free policy to ensure a safe working environment for employees and students.
- If the person continues to smoke advise that they are in breach of school rules and that disciplinary sanctions will have to be implemented.
- Violation of the smoke-free policy will invoke disciplinary procedures. Action will be in line with the procedures used for violation of any other health and safety procedure in the school.
- Violation of the smoke-free policy by non-school personnel (eg. Visitors, contractors, suppliers) should be dealt with in accordance with the DES Circular 18/99 Guidelines on Violence in Schools.
- All rules pertaining to smoking in school also apply to all school trips/excursions.
Review Procedures
This code was reviewed by the Board of Management on 10-12-2018. It was proposed by Ms A Walsh and seconded by Ms C Gibbons. It will be revised in the light of changing circumstances, if required. |